Monday, August 8, 2011


 If you weren't one of us lucky enough to get the Hardcore, or Prestige Editions of Black Ops, Never Fear(!), Rezerection is here! This map pack is all Zombies, and includes the original 4 zombie levels, Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt,  Shi No Numa, and a brand new zombie level, Moon, which is the climax to the  Zombies story. I'm betting $5 that theres some switch that turns on and off gravity! ( Will post video when it is released.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Multiplayer Map Pack!

 Titled Annihilation, this map pack hits XBox live on June 28th. Includes DriveIn, a 1950s outdoor movie theater, Hangar 18, based in Area 51, Silo, a russian missle silo, and Hazard, a cuban golf course. Also with "Zombies" the zombies map in the mystical Shangra La!


 MW3 has been unveiled, and is set for release November 8th 2011! For the trailer, go to the following link!! Looks fairly epic, but also see the Battlefield 3 trailer. MW3 is the sequal to MW2, and can be reserved today!